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    Return to Castle Wolfenstein Steam Gift

    Return to Castle Wolfenstein

    Release date
    November 20, 2001
    Age rating
    PEGI 16
    Metacritic score
    Regional limitations
    Region free
    Gray Matter Interactive Nerve Software, LLC Raster Productions Splash Damage Westlake Interactive
    Activision Aspyr Media id Software Microsoft Game Studios
    Action FPS


    Return to Castle Wolfenstein is a first-person shooter and a reboot of Wolfenstein 3D. The player's arsenal includes among others a Luger, MP 40 submachine gun, Mauser rifle with sniper scope, flamethrower, dynamite and grenades. The game also features a multiplayer component in which players are split into Axis and Allies sides with each a set of objectives to complete.

    System requirements

    3-D Hardware Accelerator (with 16MB VRAM with full OpenGL® support;
    Pentium® II 400 Mhz processor or Athlon® processor;
    English version of Windows® 2000/XP Operating System;
    128 MB RAM;
    16-bit high color video mode;
    800 MB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files (Minimum Install), plus 300 MB for the Windows swap file;
    a 100% Windows® 2000/XP compatible computer system (including compatible 32-bit drivers for video card, sound card and input devices);
    100% DirectX® 8.0a (included);
    100% DirectX 3.0 or higher compatible sound card and drivers;
    100% Microsoft-compatible mouse/keyboard and driver
    Multiplayer Requirements
    Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP and IPX) play supported, Internet play requires a 100% Windows 2000/XP compatible 56.6 Kbps (or faster) modem

    Activation details

    "Please remember that we are NOT responsible for any problems that may arise from purchasing and using Steam Gifts. You are doing it at your own risk.
    "Please note, that due to recent Valve Steam Gift policy update Steam Gifts for games that are covered by VAC ban program can no longer be added to Inventory. Make sure that you are logged in to the proper account before entering the link as Steam Gifts can be only added to your library or rejected.

    How do I use a Steam gift given to me?

    If you do not already have Steam, download and install Steam here. Once you have Steam installed, you will be prompted to create an account or login to an existing Steam account. If you do not have an account, please create one.
    You will receive an e-mail containing a link that will open Steam allowing you to redeem your gift. After clicking the link, you will receive a notification at the top right corner in the Steam client informing that you have a new gift.



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